Thursday, January 14, 2010

Still here!

We made it through the holidays successfully. Right before Christmas, we were disappointed to get the news that Logic Sister and her family would not be able to come to Atlanta for a visit since Logic Niece has been very ill. (She is now doing better, but is scheduled for surgery later this month -- prayers, please!) We haven't seen them since their move to Texas and they hadn't yet met William, so...

Logic Boy packed up William and headed out to Dallas for a couple of days before Christmas. Both Daddy and Son had a great visit, and Daddy handled his first solo flight avec bebe like he did it every week.

Our Christmas was pretty quiet. Elizabeth and William aren't at the stage where they want to wake up at 4 a.m. to see what Santa brought, although William still likes to get up at 4 a.m. from time to time to party. Elizabeth seemed to know a little bit about what was going on with Christmas this year: she can say "Santa" and was VERY interested in both her Nativity scene and the Christmas tree. She has been saying "hi!" and "night-night!" and "bye!" to the tree for weeks.

We spent time on Christmas Eve with Logic Boy's parents and grandmother and had a wonderful time. Logic Mom made the fabulous Chocolate-Citrus Cake from December's Southern Living magazine, and it was AWESOME. Even more awesome was the fact that she sent it home with us...yum. On Christmas Day, we had the Random Oenophile and Husband over for dinner, which has become our Christmas tradition. William had a very rough evening, unfortunately, which meant that either Logic Boy or I was up rocking him every 30 minutes or so, but we enjoyed getting to visit with them.

The Grammar Parents came into town on their way back from Peru on January 1 and we had fun with them. Elizabeth is wild about her Nonie, and William had fun sitting on the couch and watching football with his grandpa.

Now we're back into the swing of things with school and work!

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