Tuesday, January 13, 2009

News of our world

Lunch with Godmomma at E. 48th Street Italian Market:

"I distinctly saw four cannoli on that plate. Where are they?"

"What do you MEAN, you ate them all?! And that I'm not old enough for cannoli?"


Sorry for the recent lack of updates -- things got a little crazy with the holidays!

Most of our readership (all two of you!) already knows this, but just to make it public: Elizabeth is going to be a big sister in early July! Numero Due is due on July 9th, which is one week to the day before Elizabeth's first birthday. I sincerely hope that Due follows his/her sister's lead and arrives early. We are going to find out and make public this baby's gender in a few weeks, so stay tuned!

As for the holidays, Elizabeth got to share her first Christmas with all her in-town relatives plus her aunt and uncle and cousin-on-the-way from California and her grandparents from Indiana. It was one big party, even though she didn't really get what was going on. She likes red wrapping paper and tried to help tear it off her presents. After Christmas, we went over to Augusta and then on to Hilton Head to spend time with more family and friends.

I hope your 2009 began as well as ours did!


Krissy said...

She's looking a little jowly there in photo 2... Give her kisses from auntie!!

Talia said...

LOL! I love the cannoli "story." Funny stuff. Thank you for sharing it.

Briscoe said...

She may be small but the emotions are ever so real. :) I feel for you, kid.