Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Elizabeth's Favorite Things (newborn edition)

1. Aden and Anais muslin blankets. My sisters got us a two-pack of these in San Francisco, and I liked them so much that I searched around for a store in Atlanta that sells them and bought four more. They're soft and light and perfect for summers in Georgia, where it's hot outside but air-conditioned to Arctic temperatures inside. Plus, they function as big burp cloths when needed.

2. Trumpettes baby socks. Cutest socks ever! Elizabeth has the Mary Janes, the Rosies, and the Baby Ballerina socks, and she'll probably have a box of Pixies in the next few weeks. They came recommended from a friend who told me that they're the only socks that really stayed on her daughter, and so far I'd have to agree. Besides...did I mention how cute they are?

3. Carter's wiggle-in bodysuits. Because you don't want to pull things over a baby's head.

4. Graco sweetpeace "infant soothing center". Unlike 99% of baby swings on the market, this one plugs in instead of eating batteries. Its color scheme is neutral and not obnoxious. Although Elizabeth doesn't consider it a great substitute for Mama and Daddy, she'll deign to relax in it while we're eating, and that's worth the money right there!

5. Balboa Baby adjustable sling. This makes getting out of the house with a newborn so much easier! As anybody who's schlepped an infant carseat through a grocery store can attest, those carriers are bulky, heavy, and impossible to get into a shopping cart and have room left over for anything other than a zucchini. Elizabeth rides in her sling around stores and around the house and sleeps through everything...even when Daddy wears it while he's vacuuming!


LondonLoryMaryjane said...

So glad sweetpeace is working for you! I remember eating dinner with my daughter in my arms - very difficult!
Congrats to you and your family on the new addition.
- Lindsay

Mandy said...

I just wanted to say I loved the socks and will order some as a gift .. THANKS:)

HotMommy said...

Oh my goodness. Punkinhead had those Trumpette socks in EVERY size available I loved them so much. Oh course, my frugal nature also loved that the grandmas payed for them!!!